Saturday, May 07, 2005

It's poster time

Well, it would seem that living in the working world provides me with very little time to sit a contemplate the inner workings of things. It provides me even less time to post or further this cause. I have no time now for deep analyisis of society. Instead I am going to attempt to produce a series of posters packed to the brim witha simple effective message. I am going to attemp to make ones that attack the mindset of extreme capitalism and individualism. I would love to hear suggestions. I will let everyone know how this goes. I suppose it will be almost impossible to find out if they provide any effect. Nevertheless, I am going to throw it out there. Talk to you all later.


Blogger sg/20something/male said...

bravo my friend! well my suggestion would be to pick a charity, something cool, something people will willing donate to. the poster could 'advertise' your blog and your blog can have a link the said charity.
the poster can/should be a subtle guilt trip. people are stupid, but an in ur face guilt trip is... well below you so do it tastefully. But you do everything tastefully.
facts are always good. puppies work too. keep up updated on ur progress.
brava again bro

8:53 AM  
Blogger SilentFrank said...

Thank you my friend for the words of encouragement. I have developed the posters. They do not provide specific facts but are a pathetic attempt to spark a change in the mindset of whoever may read them. I am going to throw them up in E2's old stomping grounds. If you have any suggestions for a second step that woudl be great to hear. I like the charity idea though.

10:42 AM  

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