Enlightened Pessimism
Simply passing through existence like so many before us is nothing to be ashamed of. However, I am a believer in the possible. I believe that because it is possible to make a change that I am obligated in one sense or another to make things just a little bit better for the future generations anyway I can. For someone to even question my motivation frustrates me. Not only because it reveals to me the inherent apathetic nature of modern society but, also it is a question with which I struggle. Why try and improve things? Why advance? I was born into a middle class family and experience an innumerable amount of opportunity that which my children will undoubtedly experience as well. Why then should I even "waste" what little precious time I have on this world with the aid of others, let alone those who have not yet come into existence? To those types of questions I can only provide subjective answers. For starters, I do not wish to be what I so often refer to as simply a placeholder within the grand calculated scheme of things. For me, to live a life that’s purpose is to simply live is absurd. This reminds me of something a close friend once said, “when we are trapped on the ‘merry-go-round’ of our lives we too often mistake motion for progression.” I believe society faces this very same problem. This is a problem, which in fact almost all people face at one point in their life. For us to go through life simply moving does not necessarily get us anywhere.
Where is it that I seek to go? What is the ultimate goal that seems to perpetually elude us “idealists”? I would propose that it is the creation of a world in which human beings throughout the world enjoy a life of comfort and prosperity. The unnecessary evils of war, disease, famine and hatred become merely words that describe some time in the distant past. Idealistic enough for you? Far enough “out there” for you? I would suppose it would be for even the most optimistic of those out there. However, this is simply the ultimate goal. To which there are many, many smaller very achievable steps.
There are countless statistics that I could throw in here to fill you with guilt. Statistics about the concentration of wealth in absurd numbers, or ones about the feasibility of feeding every human being, are far too common. Instead of hitting us over the head with these statistics (which I draw nearer to doing everyday) I would rather simply point out that every one of us is part of the problem if not part of the solution. As clichéd as that may be, it is the truth. Individuals make change. Masses force revolution. Together, we find the possibility of unthinkable positive change within our life times. There is no clear guideline for this change but there is evidence that education, information, unification, motivation and imagination are the keys.
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