Friday, April 08, 2005

A Lucid Dreamers Contemplation

There is this overwhelming sense of futility that seems to blindside me ever so often. I find myself full of thoughts, overflowing with intention and without the means for these things to manifest into action. I even begin to question why I fill my head with these thoughts? I venture out into the depths of cyber space to post a few hallow rants on the state of affairs in which we live. I do so, only to have them collect dust and stagnate. I provide myself with one-sided discussions. I egocentrically fulfill my unexplainable desire to speak and act as though I am some sort of positive progressive humanitarian do gooder. I pretend I will make a difference by expressing a few opinions to a seemingly non-existent audience. I am in fact laughing out loud to myself as I sit here and contemplate the extent of my vanity. Where do I get off thinking I will make a difference? Many far more intelligent, charismatic, well-intended people have come before me only to fall short of making even the slightest difference. Perhaps instead of pathetically attempting to be the reforming revolutionist, I should play the game by the rules. Dance the self-centred jig to the tune of our money hungry society. I think I will work my corporate job raking in the cash, walk quickly past the homeless teenager to my luxury sedan and drive my ass back to the suburbs. There I will watch my TV making sure to flick quickly by the horrifying news stories from around the world muttering from time to time, "sad stuff". Watch my twelve millionth re-run of the Simpson’s and then go to sleep. Take into account slight variation from day to day, rinse and repeat until I am 65 years old. At which point I will find solace in my ability to complain about how corrupted society has become and how things are not like they used to be. And that will be that, due to a hereditary heart condition and my poor nutritional choices from sheer lack of concern.

Game, set, match … society.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you have not heard of the saying, "One voice can get lost in the crowd. One hundred voices becomes the crowd. Together we can end anything." I truly believe that by your group simply posting your ideals on the internet, people will begin to read them and respect what you have to say. Eventually, you will grow from a few to many, and be able to follow your dreams.

9:07 PM  
Blogger sg/20something/male said...

Hey ya'll
Long time reader(read lies)
First time...well everything. I'm a Vigin!!
I wrote your my comment for u and your team in my first ever blog!
you've got me hooked.

thnx boys,

11:57 PM  
Blogger SilentFrank said...

Thank you for these comments. I am so very happy to hear from people who read this. Although this post I made was undoubtedly pessimistic, I have regained my determination. You are more then correct in your comment that "together we can end anything". I believe we can. We can put an end to the end.

3:51 PM  

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