Phase 1 of the Re-action Plan
Due to a few unconnected but inspiring events, I have regained my enthusiasm towards attempting to make a difference. One friend of mine provided me with the confidence boost I sorely needed and another pointed me in a direction that I think this organization needs to take.
Action. Or, as I have referred to it in the title, re-action is what we need. I refer to it as reaction primarily because I believe that is what it is. A re-action to what we see as some of the many faults within our society and subsequently within us. Anyone who has read previous posts has already grown familiar with my list of these faults. However, the next step for E² must be unarguably some form of action. Precisly what form of action is yet to be determined. Perhaps we can develop a few ideas in the fallowing discussion that could spawn an internal projection of what I belive E² stands for, progression.
First and foremost, E² as an organization can simply progress its goals by increasing its numbers. A primary function of E² is the dissemination of awarness and education. What better way to help eliminate apathy among members of the general public then to make them a participating member. This I believe can be done by any current member on a personal level. I would encourage any member of E² including those who simply read this blog and agree with some of it (I would consider you members), to speak to anyone who you may think of as interested in our ideas. Now, this does not neccissarily mean undertaking on an evangelical conversion approach. A simple discussion of societies problems and potential solutions furthers E² cause more then you would imagine.
That starts me thinking about more potential actions that coudl be taken. Some sort of campaign attempting to induce awarness would be a good idea. Not only on the personal level, but perhpas in the form of posters or flyers. Encouraging people to re-evaluate their view of what is acceptable in todays culture of consumption. Witty attacks on the notion of “more is better” and the common misconeption that the accumulation of wealth will bring you ultimate satisfaction could prove to be the push that a few indivuals needed to change their lives.
Furthermore, I would like to say that for E² to act as a type of recruiter to increase the memberships of organizations such as Amnesty or World Vision would be more then an admerable goal. In fact, E² members would be encouraged greatly to participate in one of those or many other organizations, especailly in these early developmental stages. However, I believe it would be wise for E² to attmpt to take a different approach then those organizations. Primarily, it just doesn’t make good sense to encroach greatly on the territory of well established effective organizations. Instead, E² should facilitate these organizations by bringing about awarness in the populations.
I am liking your way of thinking. I am very glad you are part of this. Straight shooter Mike. I think we should get together and figure out what our first step should be. Flyers are easy to make, fairly effective and cheap. We could set a few reasonable goals for this summer. It doesn't matter to me if you want to do this in person or online. I gather you will be back in Mississauga. I will see you when you get back then.
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