Tuesday, March 18, 2008

E² Manifesto for high school change

There is one force above all which those of the status quo fear most. The old world order of greed, oppression and dominance is under the most unrelenting of threats. This is the threat that comes from the swelling power of the youth. Youth is change manifest. The young are the physical embodiment of transformation. The elders which perpetuate the old world order are eliminated by the liberating certainty of mortality. Mortality makes room for morality. History reveals that change occurs when the youth are no longer distracted or discouraged. Alas, there are those who work tirelessly to distract us. The system is in place to divert and deter us from reaching our true potential.

A Generation Apart

The average youth will put hours of labour into accumulating the wealth necessary to purchase a particular article of brand name clothing. In a discussion many youth can articulately argue the advantages of a one prime time television show over another. We can channel the immense resource of youthful passion and knowledge to eliminate the great sickness of greed, ignorance, inequality and isolation that our world suffers from. Imagine if you will a world in which the youth culture cultivated a consciousness that favoured knowledge of social issues and subsequent action over knowledge of commodities and apathy. Imagine still, the effort invoked to perpetuate the superficial consumer culture was diverted to actions aimed at positive change throughout society. A vast generation of human beings would emerge into “adulthood” with a true sense of their importance in the shaping of the future. We would have ingrained in their minds an awareness of their remarkable might to positively influence nothing less then the world itself.

The Loneliest Crowd

Whether or not the world must change is not a question in much contention among the youth. The fundamental flaws in our society are evident day to day. A multitude of malformed and manipulated ideals pervades our society to its core. Words such as freedom, justice and equality are seldom used appropriately. As youth we are the forgotten oppressed. We are treated as non-humans and given little to no real choice or voice of our own. It is no wonder so many of us become so frustrated with the system we are subjected to that we rebel against it. The time has come to stand and fight. To do so, we must unite.

How will the youth awaken from their entertainment induced slumber? The appealing bed of blind consumption prevents us from mustering our true strength. How will we create an unstoppable avalanche of the unappeased and unpleased? The answer lies in the most fundamental of modern ailments: alienation. The youth are divided superficially by the same divisions that plagued our ancestors and currently plague our elders. Class, race, region, nationality, gender and sexuality are imposed divisions that we are unfortunately accustomed to. With so many seemingly entrenched divisions it may appear like an overwhelming task to join the youth in a movement for change. However, there are many organizations that seem to excel in their ability to create a united group of seemingly divided individuals and factions. Corporations develop brands that gain power through recognition. Gangs wear colours to distinguish and define themselves. Cults, whether they are fascist and militaristic in nature or religious, use symbols and sayings to foster a sense of connection amongst members. Many may recoil at the very mention of these organizations. However, within their ability to create unity lay the key to the unlocking the flood gates of a youthful revolution in consciousness. Ideally, the individual youth within society would come to the realization that by uniting with other like minded youth, positive change may occur. Yet, this is unlikely to transpire spontaneously. Thus, we must adopt the very methods that are used to divide us in order that we may truly unite.

Our Suppression and Succession

As youth we are subjected to a particularly authoritarian form of education and existence. Those within the secondary school system or that have experienced such systems are all too aware of the lack of voice they possess in shaping the course of their educational experience. Therefore, it is here we find the ideal location for the beginning of the change. Within the secondary school system our clothing is regulated, our freedom of movement and our very ability to legitimately question authority is stifled. There is a parent’s council in which parents have a great say in policy formation. There are department heads where teachers bring forth their concerns and suggestions. Furthermore, there is the administration which acts by no less then decree to rule as it sees fit. However, students are given a pathetic organization that is made to sound important. One must not forget the various versions of the student council which has the esteemed pleasure of organizing dances and spirit days under strict guidelines set out by the prison warden administration. It is no wonder so many youth lose their passion for humanity’s progress and simply concede to the weight of the world. However, we must not be overcome by the weight of the world for then it will be the world that changes us. There will be no fundamental transformation of humanity if we cannot escape the relentless brainwashing we endure. Imagine a society in which the norm was not to submit to the will of authority simply because of titles or status but instead where all were welcome to engage in the formation of decisions through the employment of reason, logic and morality. The phrase, “because I said so” will be something that none will obey and all will laugh at. This is what we may be able to lay the groundwork for in our reformation of the power structure of the secondary school. As humans we should settle for nothing less.

The Name of Change

There is power in a name if only to be recognized. A name which is simple and not overly constrained by specific meanings provides the organization with a firm base. In this regard the name E² acts sufficiently as both the name and symbol for youthful change. E² can be said to stand for An End to the End. Hence, E² aims to put an end to the end of the world by changing the very way that humans treat each other and their surroundings. As vague as this name may be, its versatility allows the organization to address a multitude of social issues. With this name and symbol the organization can become highly visible without much cost or effort. Interaction amongst all students occurs primarily in the halls between classes and at lunch. Therefore, with a roll of green painters tape and a permanent marker, members can receive a green band around the shoulder strap of their back pack. On this green band an E² can be marked. Those founding members must simply communicate to new members a statement of vague intent for the organization. Youth rights and human progression are at the fore of this intent. The organization should utilize the vast multitude of Internet networking available and word of mouth to organize and mobilize. Every member should be given a means to bring up issues which they feel the organization should deal with. Whether there is initially a key issue within the school for E² to address or not, the organization will be in place for when there is. Furthermore, we must find in sympathetic elders support and guidance when necessary or available. We must remain flexible and inclusive in order to adapt to what will be undoubtedly a severe reaction by the status quo to our very existence.

Historical Precedent

In years past the seed of this vision was planted haphazardly in what might seem to some the arid soil of the high school. On the surface apathy and selfishness seemed to be the only socially acceptable forms of expression. Yet, to the astonishment of many, a miraculous growth was achieved. The creation of a visible group led to a school wide interest. The initial mystery of the green bands and E² made for excellent publicity. The idea spread through the intricate networking of friends and acquaintances bringing in people of all manner of association. Soon, a majority of those involved in the student government were involved and dedicated to the ideals. Although, for most students the understanding of the ideals behind the organization were not apparent, for them it was the connection they felt to even the most unknown student that formed the true meaning of E². As the strength of E² grew so too an immediate purpose emerged. The principle of this high school was making decrees and proclamations that left many students upset and even staff pondering how such actions were warranted. Strict clothing policies led to the suspension of even the most studious of youth. Those who came in late spent the rest of the entire class filing in complicated forms and justifying what was often a mere misfortune. This prompted members of E² to hold a meeting and two members who had access to the principle through the student government set meeting. At this meeting a plan for the formation of a student union with an equal say to that of the parent’s council was purposed. Although, this was promptly and inexplicable rejected by the principle, the ensuing pressure created by the vast network E² had developed caused the principle to resign and a more lenient and understanding principle to take that place. While, this example may not exhibit a broad societal change, it proves positive change is possible through simple organization. Furthermore, those who participated and witnessed the events that unfolded were shown the true power of social organization in the face of the historically exclusive structures of society and power. The power which they witnessed and felt was something which left a profound mark on their consciousness.

The stage is set my friends. Our battleground is the high school, yet the war is being waged throughout all of society. We must begin to take our stand and develop our skills in order to enact real change. Through E² we will create a vast base, physical and mental, for a new and more humane society to be built. We, the youth, have the choice to follow down the path of the miserable and the mundane that was laid out before us, or we can blaze a new trail for us and every new generation to follow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

8:23 AM  

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