Monday, January 31, 2005

When the theorized begins to materialize.

In order to come up with some of the "crazy" things we do, we often actually do stay up to date on the current events from around the world. While searching a few news websites I came across an article from CNN about a survay of American highschool youth. The survay detailed precisly what is to be feared. The increasing apathetic nature of today's youth. The scariest part is that the apathy is directed (if that is possible) towards the removal of rights and freedoms. For example, "Only half of the students said newspapers should be allowed to publish freely without government approval." This strikes me as shocking. It seems that the youth, those that I had assumed to be those most open minded and idealistic are not exactly what I had assumed. I then ask you the people who might read this what you would think about the removal or manipulaton of the right to free speech or access to information? It may not seem too bad to some, but the removal of this right can lead into other things. If you lose the right to know whats going on then just about anything can happen and you will have no way of knowing. If you are saying to yourself, "how can the media be controlled it is huge", then you need to look at this chart and well, get a look at how complicated this really is.

Also, here is the article. You can read it and make your own conclusions.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Catergorizing cuts us short

To me, partisan and pompous go hand in hand. To divide oneself into a category and create superficial oppositions when the ultimate goal is the same, is unproductive and infuriating. Ultimatley, in theory, the goal is the bettering of mankind. Of course many people may catergorize what we say as Liberal or even socialist. However, we would like to think of these ideals as able to transend the political. Instead perhaps they can appeal directly to the core of what human beings are capable of. The ideals we speak about are an appeal for a universal companionship of humankind. There needs to be a revival of the interconnection and community of human beings. Modern society has been working to emphasis indiviuality. The values of capitalism and modern society have systematically ostrcised us. "Make as much money as you can to be successful." "Survival of the fittest." "Winner takes all..." These types of ideas are deeply rooted in our society. There are those who are not like this, who are unselfish. However, this unselfish, future orientated, positive and progressive mindset is not the collective norm. It is not cool to be in support of your fellow man. At least not yet...

What if it were the cool thing? What if owning the fast car and the shiny diamonds were all of the sudden secondary to the assistance of someone in need? Who is to say that the most admired members of our society could not be those who are most kind? To achieve this we must examine carefully what has brought us to this point. Why is it that, in general we have an insatiable appitiete for consumtion? What is it that shapes us into the individualistic, close minded, consuming whirlwind? Eric and I, believe we have in one sense, on the very surface, located a cause for this. The need to belong. The desire for human beings to be a social animal. These are things which make it possible for the current ideals of society to take hold. Capitalist society or modern society, play off of these desires, among other things. What if, we were to tap into this desire and couple it with what we believe is a more powerful desire? Using both the desire to make a postive difference in the world and the desire to belong. The norms of society could then be altered. We must appeal to the masses. It is there, that serious and permanent change can occur. It is there we will go...

Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Coldest War

I was thinking about the state of affairs in which we live. I sat here and applied a metaphor of war to what I can only describe as the raging battle for the hearts and minds of all mankind. I want to make it clear in this metaphor I am not pointing fingers at anyone. The list would be too huge. I am instead blaming all of us. Society itself is to blame.

Here we stand in the midst of the intersecting battle lines. The ideological frontline encroaching, silent but deafening. The flurries of attacks are so consistent and devastating that it simply the norm. The victims are unable to distinguish their wounds from the rest of their being. The enemy surrounds us, enticing us to surrender. The apathetic are the most tragic of victims. The enemy allies itself with technology, the most beloved creation of modern society. It warps technology and uses its limitless power of persuasion to infiltrate the holiest of sanctums. This final refuge, the mind. It erodes the defences as the bombardment continues. The weapons at our disposal; freewill, critical thought, camaraderie, compassion, sense of higher purpose are maliciously manipulated and perverted by this indescribable all encompassing force of coercion. The hierarchy of vices and evils had become obscured to most. The so-called four horsemen of the apocalypse are but subordinates to the ever-destructive forces of greed and selfishness, apathy and ignorance. These less recognized evils are accepted by our society to grow in our midst. How can we defeat enemies that are cultivated in our schools, fertilized by our media, accepted by our families and given legitimacy by our culture as a whole? I draw this post to a close with a ws a quote by Jules de Gaultier, “Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality.” Perhaps imagination will be our trump card to triumph in the end. We have to do something or we will lose everything. That’s precisely what we are going to do with E².

History will be kind to those who write it...

I am sure this is not a new concept. The concept to create an organization that is based on a whole set of ideological thought. One that is focused entirely on the bettering of humankind and the prevention of what seems to be an inevitable end. There are of course, hundreds and thousands of organizations out there. Whether it be charities devoted to doing a small portion or pressure groups trying to make a difference in some small but important area. However, very rarely do you see a completely broad based group devoted to simply creating a way of life that is based on awareness. A group, which is devoted to banding those, people together, those who wish to be part of the change but have no means or outlet for their support. I believe whole-heartedly that such an organization could be created and could spread across the world. This is the age of communication. Our generations now have the potential to create something of which the likes have never been seen. This organization could spread over the Internet, promoting awareness and community on the grandest scale. It would not be organized in the bureaucratic hierarchical fashion that so many other organizations are. Instead this could be something that is grass roots and yet connected and strong. I propose that our collective minds could quite possibly make dramatic changes. Eric and I have decided to attempt this. We put a name to it,. This could be the formula for change. This is something that can be taken by anyone and improved. As our ideas come we shall share them. We ask anyone who is interested in what we have said to do the same. As far out and utopian as these ideas seem, they are possible, and that possibility alone is enough for us to continue to pursue them.